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Becoming Members

"Or Hadash" is a home.

A warm, open and inclusive congregation that encourages us to live out our values.

Membership enables us to be a part of a human network that studies, prays, volunteers, travels, celebrates and eats together. It is an opportunity to be curious, grow, sing, challenge ourselves, rest.

As members, you are invited to join some or all of the programs. You can participate, help, dream, initiate or lead congregational events and projects – whatever is your choice.

We participate in envisioning and planning. Paying membership dues is a sign of our joint responsibility for the existence and growth of Or Hadash.

As members we are eligible, among other things, to rabbinic counseling, community support in times of joy and sorrow, participation in community trips and meals. Those who want can lead a congregational committee or task force, and vote and be elected to the board. We get subsidized payments for activities, and preference in space-limited events (e.g. trip to Jordan)

Interested? Want to hear more? Contact us and we will happily meet and chat.

Annual membership can be payed using the following methods:

By direct transfer
Bank: Bank Hapoalim B.M. | Bank No. 12 | Branch: 704
Account Number: 325055 | Account Name: Or Hadash

By check
Payable to Or Hadash
55 Hantke street 3460840

Coming soon! Credit

Recommended fees

> Soldier\student - 10 NIS
> Single - 200-700 NIS
> Pensioner (30% discount) - 140-190 NIS
> Family - 500-1200 NIS

Please fill out the registration form after payment

בקרוב! תשלום באשראי

Come as you are.

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